2Build a Profile Support

Please note, this page is only for users who are still using 2Build a Profile. We would recommend our free upgrade to Evidence Me.

When printing reports, you can edit the template used which will change the format of your reports. 

Creating your own template:

It’s easy to create your own template for generating your observations in PDF or Word.

The quickest and easiest way to do this is to download the Standard Template and modify it to suit your needs (e.g. add your own logo). You can create as many templates as you like!

NOTE: The templates are based on Word mail merge documents. You can type in your own standard text e.g. headers, titles and add a logo. The other data (school, learner, observation details) is added from the web suite at the time of report generation by using “field” information in the template. You will see these “fields” enclosed in double angled brackets within the template e.g. <<title>>


Click HERE for the Modify templates Video

1. Download the template

In the Web Suite go to the Templates tab in Account Options

Click on the “Download” link next to the “Standard Template”

2. Edit the template

- Open “Standard Template.docx” in Word 2010
- Move, delete and copy the fields as appropriate; you can copy or cut and paste (make sure that you copy the whole field, including the angled brackets)
- Add, delete or modify standard text
- Add/remove graphics and logos
- Change the font size and style by selecting  fields or text and change the font style
- Save your new template with a meaningful name (e.g. “My School Template for parents.docx”)

3. Upload your new template to the Web Management Suite 

- In the Web Suite go to the Templates tab in Account Options
- Click on the 'Choose file' button and locate your new template file
- Click on Upload Template
- Your new template will be available to select when printing observation
TOP TIP: you can select which template to use as the default in 'Account options'. If you send an observation email from your device the default template will be used.


What the different  fields represent:


«LearnerPortrait»            Learner portrait saved in the master register
«Title»Learner name
«Subtitle» Date range requested
«EstablishmentName»  Account name saved in Account Options
«LearnerPortraitSmall»  Learner portrait (small) saved in the master register
«RangeStart:Experiences» Required at the start of the observations
«RangeEnd:Experiences»  Required at the end of the observations
«expDate» Date of the observations
«expPhoto»  Photo from the observation
«RangeStart:Notes»  Required at the start of the notes section
«NotesTitle»  Section headings in Notes
«NotesText» Entered text for notes section
«RangeEnd:Notes»  Required at the end of the notes section
«RangeStart:Outcomes»  Required at the start of the outcomes section
«OutcomeText»  Outcome/Objective
«OutcomeArea»  Outcome area/ageband
«RangeEnd:Outcomes» Required at the end of the outcomes section



Below are some sample templates for you to use- open the file then save as 'All files' (rather than PDF). You can then edit the template to include your school logo if you wish. Save any changes you make then upload the new template to your websuite in 'account options'. 


1. One Observation per page

2. No title page

3. Parent template: no objectives

4. 3 Observations per page